Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Brain Drain And the clock strikes at 2.50pm

In the library now with earphones that aren't playing anything and no one around me. well, at least within a 2m radius (ARGHH MAXXX KEEEIILL MEEE). :/

Three questions that came out for the first History paper; and i didn't study any of them. in fact, i studied probably everything else other than those three. whoopee. but at the very least i could still write sufficiently enough to...pass?

Math was more lenient, not too bad considering i attempted every one of those bloody 12 questions even though my brain was fried. And that the only amount of studying i had done was half an hour ealier "re-capping" my notes.

ahhh i feel better already. now's time to chow, and then start on History part II-- SEA.


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