Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Going home in 3 Minutes :)

I thought id just post anyway since the school library's internet connection happened to be working-- for once.

Saw this at the school canteen on one of the noticeboards,

"Pessimists look at oppurtunities and see difficulties. Optimists look at difficulties and see oppurtunities."

I used to feel very much for such motivational (and oh so cliched) phrases, mainly because there exists a degree of truth in them, especially after you've been mulling over them for a long while.

Sadly, what i realised only after a longer while was that many of these short, sweet phrases are just-- that. Idyllic, simplistic and an altogether surface summation of what life is all about. Much in this world cannot be categorised simply into black and white simply because the world is a whorl of relationships, complexities and deeply embedded truths that would probably take more than a generation's lifetime added together to uncover (as proven; i mean look how long the whole "Earth is flat" theory lasted)

Pessimists are at the very best people who have made decisions to look at situations with a more cynical, down-to-earth, realistic point of view-- and this by itself is already full of misguided assumptions (and would probably not last a second in a GP essay). Who is to tell a real pessimist from an optimist-- unless you analyse the reasons behind every single decision they've made? (And seriously, that's not possible unless you are that person him/herself or you're a psycho-stalker)

I used to think that I was the embodiment of an optimist; along with the other good connotations that come along with it. In other words, I used to think alot of crap. Then again, I guess i still do and will continue to do so till im dead, probably. But i guess ive learned one thing over these years--

Its okay to be an optimist or a pessimist as long as you're satisfied with who you are. If you're satisfied being a pile of shit, no one's too stop you. But the inability to satisfy the human need has pushed us further, higher, faster than ever before (think olympics haha), and if we recognise this incognitive need, react on it and be whoever we strive to be i dont think being a pessimist or an optimist would affect you in anyway. i mean come on, pessimists have brains dont they?

As you can probably tell, long boring posts come when i cant post pictures. heh.

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