Saturday, August 2, 2008

One Post Per Week?!

ZOMG its been another week and this time i really havent had ANY time to blog; as most of you would have been able to tell. Pic-less-ness frustrates me, and im perpetually in debtslashnearbankruptcy. not to mention this whole week was a whirlwind of ups and downs.

Did 17 Km in 1h 45mins!
Longest distance with a pretty good timing; and i didnt stop at all which made it even better. idk, this was probably one of the best runs ive had in my entire life. And the longest distance I'd ever run before today was 7 Km on Wednesday?! If you do the math its really quite a huge jump :)

Went out with Evan, dongbin and kaixiang for lunch today, which was thoroughly enjoyable :) especially since Evan was there! We hardly get the chance to go out so im just glad our schedules didnt clash this time. And i got special paper yay!

Picking up pace for art!
Finished one piece which had pretty good reviews, and is one of my better pieces as well. now only er 10 more to go! sob! Plus art's been getting pretty fun too, especially now since we're all chionging together. Deb makes me smile loads as usual.

Dragged myself to school EVERYDAY even though i was so tempted not to.

x Lost my Foolscap with ALL notes inside. Nuff said.

x Incredibly highstrung.
problems keep cropping up even though im already hard pressed for time, and minor dumb things keep pissing me off when i dont have time to be pissed off?!

x Art concept still not settled, which is a big worry, considering deadline's this coming thursday.

x Quarreling with the boy, BECAUSE Im constantly frustrated. sorry :(

x Lacking sleep :((

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