Saturday, January 31, 2009


oh my god.. what state am i now? i felt so like.... jingxin? oops sorry to use u as a describe for such situation but u comes to my mind first when typing this. i duno wad has come to me and i kept doing things last minute. im rly tired now and i must go slp NOW NOW NOW!!! i am not doing this to my body by giving up another night of sleep. This is too inhuman of myself. i cant bear to do this to myself. ζˆ‘εŠžδΈεˆ°!
-kok shen

My boy is a living metaphor of procrastination to his friends. How absurd/hilarious/insulting (pick one).

Twilight Sucks

And so do annoying buyers.

(Annoying buyer tries on an elastic head band even though there's a sign on the mirror stating it's not allowed)
Wendy (my colleague): No trying, please.
AB: Im BUYING it, so it's ok.

(Returns the headband to the stand after a while)
Me: Excuse me, Im sorry but you have to purchase it.
AB: But it doesnt look nice!
Me: But you said you were buying it, if not we wouldn't have let you try it.
AB: I know, okay how about if I buy other things? Is that okay? Is that alright?
Me (exasperated): Look the reason for our policy of no trying headbands is due to hygiene reasons--
AB (cuts me off): Look okay I'm not going to argue with you, okay? I'll BUY it. okay?
Me (Pissed off): That's good.

(Upon queueing to pay for the headband)
AB (Turns to face me): Anyway, next time you should put a sign saying that you're not allowed to try headbands.
Me (Even more pissed off): WE DO HAVE A SIGN-- (gestures to mirror)
AB: Then you should make the sign BIGGER, it's so small NOBODY can see it.
(AB's Friend cuts in)
Friend: Okay okay we're PAYING okay? Okay?
Me (snaps): GO AHEAD.

Not a good day, yep.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


You lied to me.
You said you never would.

I lied to you.
I never said I never would.

Which is the greater sin?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year, New beginnings, New shoes.

When are my books coming! Im dying of boredom! Ordered Tuesdays with Morrie and Twilight, yes I'm slow shaddup. Hopefully i can get my hands on Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey series as well.

CNY was completely whacked out this year. We had both reunion dinners at my place (my mother is crazy; she cooked almost everything by herself) and we visited all our known kin in one day. Which is the main reason why on the second day of CNY I'm bored out of my skull. Went to visit Godpa and eat the best chengteng in the world, the mom's side, then the dad's side, during which my sister's and my shoes were stolen. Mine were Charles and Keiths, so Im pretty alright, but my sister lost her newly bought Zara wedges that cost 120, which sucks.

Later went to my cousin's place at Sentosa Cove, it's frightening how un-Singaporean it looks, with it's seaside view, personal lift and huge spaces that resemble Australia (I was told; I have never been to Aussie) I spent the whole time there just mulling over the ironies-- poorer relatives complaining that she should have done this that this that and she happily in her fantastical island home. Not that it's that simple anyway.

Later we went to the non-existent flower show, and going back home was a downright horror. It was like a humongous mosh pit with a million foreign workers, tourists (poor them) and crying children. One guy fainted becuase it was so packed he couldnt breathe, and the foreign workers were pushing like nobody's business. Felt as if we were treated like animals, it was terrifying. Thank God after a long wait Prissy came to fetch us to the MRT and saved us from the mob.

We eventually got to my Ahma's place at 930 and realised they didnt lou hei because there were too little people to do so :(( Had to eat, drink and leave quickly because Ah Ku and Aunty Shang are leaving for Taiwan at 8am tomorrow. Ahma was nice entertaining us with stories of my mum's childhood and my deceased grandpa visiting her in her dream once, haha!

Okay, back to today. Meeting the boy later; its been so long since we met. Damn. Dilemma over whether to be an art teacher or an illustrator. Argh argh argh!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Yeap, the computer has been dead for about a month so my blog stays the same for a month. Pretty much the only reason why Ive stopped blogging; life on the other hand has been pretty enjoyable. The job's easy, ive got great colleagues and the money's rolling in soon. What's not so enjoyable is since JX's started school and I started work, we've been having less time together. but less time isnt no time, so. Soccer has taken a backseat too, to my dismay, but well everyone's got only 24hours eh?

Thinking about the results excites and scares me. This other day(night), i dreamt that i got ABB, and B for everything else. I was cheering and feeling so happy when I thought to myself "Hey wait, I didn't want ABB! I want another A!" And then right before my eyes the B changed to an A and i continued cheering madly. Dumb dreams.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Day of Work

Shit the batam post is never gonna happen because i dont have the bloody time to upload and blog a full post, which probably takes about at least half an hour? Maybe I'll blog it on my off days-- which is totally besides the point because by then it'll be super late.

Anyway short post today, I have to wake up at 8 tomorrow. First day of work was awesome; I liked almost everything about my new job except for the fact that by the end of the day my feet are aching crazily. Retail is fun, i love meeting new people, my colleagues are friggin nice (so far) and i get to have 20% off my much needed accessories whooo!

Its been pretty eventful so far though, early in the afternoon this woman carrying an Hermes Ostrich skin Birkin and her friend/daughter bought 300 bucks worth of accessories in one shot, and I met Kelly and Carolyn later on. I also love the fact that many people with fantastic fashion sense kept coming in; its so much easier to get tips from looking at them in comparison to magazines and videos.

Hee okay cant wait to catch Ahma and gang at the shop tomorrow! And the rest of you, pop by if you happen to be at Heeren okay? It's on the third floor :)) Tatah!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Funniest Shit ever

I was thinking ( yes, I am always thinking of stupid things) of getting a more healthier diet so i googled 'healthy singaporean diet' and this was what i found in Wiki answers.

How Is the Singapore Healthy Diet pyramid different from the American Healthy Diet Pyramid?

Because the pyramid has diffrent foods for a healthy diet. for example the people in singapore eat a diffrent kind of cheese to us which is called monkobadas and is eaten only on special occasions and they sometimes eat a special fruit called callu cha cha and comes from a special city in singapore but i can't tell you the name of the city because i am not sure what it is.

and one final thing they eat on special occasions is a special tomato called thomasvillechacha and they don't like to eat it because it tastes bad.

Hahaha J Lo was right about the rubbish you get from wiki!

The Inpromptu Post

2008 has been an awesome year, and it seems to be so for most people (not that Bryanboy=most people, but then again.) I think Ive matured exponentially while in JC, which I feel is one of the most lethal combinations of work and leisure simply because there is all work and no leisure, and the bulk of us get pushed way beyond extreme trying to make it out of the A levels with sanity attached.

But we all have, and while it was just as difficult and as shitty as we thought it would have been, especially with all the prep talk by the teachers and our enthusiastic principal, we have overcome the A levels. No matter how i do, no matter what results i get, i never will regret going to SR and meeting the people i adore, respect and cherish so much, even up till now. Friendships take on new heights in adversity, and some do to a level I would have never dreamt of even encountering.

Maybe it's because of how I screwed up my secondary life so bad, with the only valuable things Ive taken from it being Jingboy, experience and friends in soccer, being able to play volleyball, and pockets of friends here and there like Jaslyn. Living a self-centered, self-fulfilling life has robbed me of my own self-respect, my own self-conscience. While Im sure Im nowhere near perfect now in this area, as Deb can gladly attest to, I have proven that I can change, and I have, and that I will continue to do so.

The fruits of something as difficult as change are priceless-- people understand that your knowledge of yourself is not prized above true friendships (that at times can be excruciatingly painful) and that both parties, like two swords, are willing be honed through constant sharpening and close contact. Sometimes, these kindred partnerships last forever.

Ive started 2009 with a blast with my trip to Batam, but beyond that I hope that 2009 is, if not just as agonizingly dear as 2008, then perhaps more so. Maybe heightened fulfillment will come in the form of realised resolutions, of which i have a few to start with: to not be in debt, to be less bitchy, to be more giving.

And now I shall post my trip to Batam because my laptop and table has been rocking up and down all these while and it's making it difficult to concentrate. Bad side effects from taking the cruise. :))